Kateri Northwest Ministry Institute
Spokane is the hub of Kateri Northwest
Ministry Institute and where the idea of
bringing the educational opportunities to the
Native Peoples originated. As the years
passed, the Spokane group has changed and
evolved. Now meeting at the Trinity House
at the Immaculate Heart Retreat Center, the
Kateri Program serves the Plateau Tribes
from the Umatilla, the Nez Perce, the
Yakama, the Spokane, the Coeur d'Alene,
and the Colville Reservations, as well as the
Urban Indian Community.

-- The Book of Exodus, and the prophets Isaiah & Hosea
taught by Maureen Foley-Bensen
-- Breaking Open the Scriptures -- The Sunday Readings

-- Nicholas Black Elk: Medicine Man, Missionary, Mystic
by Michael F. Steltenkamp, S.J.
(studying his life and praying for his canonization)
God of Many Loves
by Fr. Max Oliva, S.J.